Wednesday, November 02, 2005

day 02 of 30

20051102 jedc

Rationallo spent his lunch hour introducing himself to his latest addition to his wives. Her name was Idealiana, she said, and was a manager for 3Musketeers Politico Corporation. Smugly he pointed out her surroundings, which were a windowless solitary confinement space steeped in silence, and said she was to be his wife, one of five at this time. She would be well fed, provided great comforts, and be provided television entertainment without limit, but could have no communication with the outside world, ever, from now on. She would produce and care for babies, that is all she had to do to live in great comfort for the foreseeable future. When she stopped doing that for Rationallo, she would go to the digestion tanks, the end. Get used to it, he said, struggling and plotting won’t work. And no, she would not meet his other wives, nor anyone ever from now on, except Rationallo. She would grow to crave his company, relief from solitary existence; the other wives have done so, he pointed out, matter of factly. He is not an unkind husband, he advised her; merely an efficient and logical one. That females had been grouped for breeding by a single male, is a successful pattern throughout time, even the now extinct sea mammals such as walruses and whales had done it. It is a tried and true system. The dominant males father the next generation; she will become proud to mix her genes with the soon to be owners of the whole world. He set down his attractively wrapped traditional gift for her, and left her in solitude. When she had passed her second menses here, it would be time to begin breeding.


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