Friday, November 25, 2005

Day 25 of 30

J E D Cline
Title: “The Ark of 1984’s Future”

Day 25 of 30

There were too many events that had not gone through executed flawlessly, Rationallo thought. Disciplinary assaults were intended to get rid of dysfunction in the hierarchy, and set an example in case of any others that might be tempted to not rigidly follow orders. Now a second disciplinary assault happened, this one in space, which was really more of 3Musketeers territory than that of Tanfl. Like the failure of the Idealiana’s doctor disciplinarian action, which had been conducted in 3Musketeers territory. Despite the intelligence gathering powers of Tanfl, surely the finest ever anywhere in human history, something had gone wrong in each case recently. The crash of his “patrol” assault spacecraft on the moon, and loss of three more of his best men, showed that something needed fixing.

His top position in the Tanfl hierarchy proved his top competency in correct analysis and determination of optimum courses of action. His formal job of daily adding up the profits of all their subsidiaries and posting them for all to see, was nothing; his real effectiveness was in the arena of the things that really got people to do what was wanted of them by those who were supreme. Analysis and problem solving was one of his expertise in that arena. Time to do that some more.

Searching the internet databases for factors missed before, he found a theory that indicated that people were each like a totem pole of creatures, each sitting on top of the other, and all dependent on the each other. This was at the heart of the 3Musketeers philosophy, the enemy to his present thinking. So he needed to understand his quarry a bit more, to succeed in the hunt and takedown, feast for Tanfl.

Three creatures, stacked one on top of each other ... a weird picture. Each individual, the theory seemed to go, had some kind of reptile on the bottom, a mammalian animal in the middle, and a magician on the top. Different people had different creatures in those positions. The reptiles and mammals were all extinct now, or most of them and the others going; there was no need of any being using the earth other than man, anyway. No animals, more room for people.

Although it had not worked out that way, he mused. Those animals were the prior food supply, and they all had somehow inter linked to keep it all thriving in balance, until man came along and gobbled it all up and trashed the rest. The superior win, of course, the powerful thrive and breed the next population to be like themselves, their progeny. Now man was king. Actually, man was all there was anymore. And man thrived through accumulation and reproduction of knowledge and its application. Understand your quarry and hunt it down and kill and eat it, that was what has always worked.

And he now had to do that, although this quarry was a bit more ephemeral than one of those extinct deer. Was the quarry physical people opposing him, or was it something in the knowledge and application arena?

He read on about the three creatures stack theory. Each of the creatures, the reptile, the mammal, the magician, inter linked with the others of their own kind, that is, each person’s mammal linked with the mammal of other people, about mammal things. The reptiles interacted about reptile concerns. And the magicians interacted about imagination and interpretation and planning things.

So he pictured a group of people together. They would be these bunches of three stacked vertically, yet each of the three were linked with the others of their kind, making three levels or planes of existence. That would be the game board, like three chess games going on all the time, one atop the other. And at the same time, the pieces on the game board had to move vertically tied together. interesting. Could he create a computer program to simulate that?

He had the best of the computers remaining in the world, preserved from before the Great Famine of Energy and Food era. That reminded him, he had received intelligence that the 3Musketeers facility on the Moon was acquiring small amounts of materials that they were going to build the first integrated circuits made since the Great Famine’s dark ages. It was an effort worthy of his special support, if he could get his hands on it.

Anyway, if anyone could simulate the three-level chessboard, he could do it, having the best remaining computers in existence. It would give the computers something better to do than just keep track of who was better than who in the Tanfl Political Corporation, in incredible detail that it was.

So how would that go ... one person’s ox-mammallian would interact with the adjacent person’s rhino-mammalian, which also interacted with another person’s whale-mammallian .... While also those individuals’ alligator-reptile interacted with another’s snake-reptillian; and one’s magician of one kind interacted with another person’s magician of another kind. Three kinds of zoos which were tied together vertically in places. A difficult, but not impossible, game board to simulate on his computer.

Then he would need to identify the corresponding zoo critter type for the real people around him and in his world. Plug it in and see what the computer came up with.

The kind of zoo-critter would be identified by its characteristic ways. and that is something he could measure and record for each person. Rather than be snakes, lizards, monkeys, rhinos, whales, they would be an animal composed of reptilian natures, another composed of mammalian natures, and the third a critter composed of specific magical ways of intellect, imagination, interpretation ways.

In different people, their critters would vary in how powerful the critter was. Some people would have a more powerful reptile kind, such as an alligator where another person’s was a garter snake; the more powerful one would correspond to a person identified as a Sensual in Jungian psychology, or an Artisan in Kiersayian psychology, people who were characteristically more powerful in the physical action world, got things done in reality.

It was the old “Tri-Brain” concept in some ways. The brain’s R-Complex was the reptilian critter; the Limbic part of the brain corresponded to the mammalian critter; and the brain’s cerebral cortex corresponded to the Magician critter. But in the current theory, the critters of each kind were interacting in their characteristic ways with the corresponding level critter in other people, all the time. Three worlds happening simultaneously, yet also tied to the other worlds wherever an individual person was.

But what was observable in the real world of people, was each of the individual people, seemingly one critter, not three.

A “three-ring-circus” he mused. Each person was an ongoing three-ring-circus all the time. Interesting. How would that concept help him control his world more effectively?

Guardiano was saying something about the space transportation thing the 3Musketeers had. “Why do they call it an escalator? We have those moving steps ramping up and down in all our stores, that is what an escalator is.”

Rationallo mused a moment about it then replied “If they called it an elevator, it would mean it was a box that climbed straight up and down. Their transportation structure does not go straight up and down at all, in fact, it you look at it at the ground terminal in Ecuador, it looks quite horizontal, almost flat as far as the eye can see. You ride it straight out over the Pacific Ocean at first, and it takes awhile before you notice that the ocean is getting further down below, gradually, the only way you know you are going up, since it looks like you are just going flat out across the ocean. But in a couple of hours, when you look down out of the window, there is nothing but a big ocean sphere down there, getting definitely round at the edges. It takes about four hours before you can see New Zealand, Australia, then Indonesia, and the world is definitely looking like a big ball out there. It is all a tilted ride, not up and down like an elevator. And another reason is that it is running all the time, one can get on it at any moment and ride it, like an escalator, in contrast to an elevator in which only one car goes up or down at any time, so you have to wait until the elevator finishes its prior trip before getting to you. Yes, it is an escalator, not an elevator. It is also kind of like riding in an airplane, where you take off horizontally, climb, and land horizontally, except that you never went back down to the ground before landing. You land up there in GEO. And all the time you are not flying freely, you are sliding superfast along the carousel structure.”

“It is a round thing, a lopsided circle shape, not an escalator ramp.” Guardiano insisted.

“Sure, that is why they call it a Space Carousel Escalator, it goes around in a loop like a carousel, and you can ride anywhere along the carousel any time, like an escalator.” Rationallo replied.

Still puzzled, Guardiano went on: “If we had carousels in our stores instead of ramp escalators, it would use up too much room for getting people up and down between floors.” Well, the world is round, and so the carousel escalator has to be round too, to go around it.” Rationallo replied, almost not interested in the conversation any more, and was more thinking of the day’s plans at the time.

“If we did not have escalators in our stores, most people would only shop on one floor, and we would lose business. “ Guardiano went on. “So that is why they built their escalator thing, so they could have people do business up in GEO, getting there easily and with little effort. Makes sense.”

Rationallo was already off on a different subject, his latest project regarding the three level chessboard thing. “If each person is like a stack of three animals, critters of some kind, and I have stronger critters on my magician and reptilian levels, then you must have stronger critters on your mammalian and reptilian levels.”

Guardiano just looked at him. “What?”

“That would explain why you are more of a social people person than I am, where I am more aloof and analyzing situations, you are right in there with the crowd like a fish in water. Yet we both are fairly effective in the physical action world, too, although not as much so as some other people.” Rationallo went on.

Beginning to catch on, Guardiano said “I don’t like being called some kind of monkey, but yes, my world is made of real live people, while your world is more abstract, your people are not real, they are abstraction of real ones. Yet it works for you; while my social people real world works for me too. My people-world is ruled by traditions and emotional connections, while your world is ruled by legislative laws regarding ownership and behavior toward one another. Amazing how the different worlds of different people go on along just fine, without noticing a difference.”

Thinking of Idealiana and of recent events, Rationallo mused “I’m not so sure that there isn’t a problem going on because of those different worlds, as you call them. It could be that various people speak in the same language, but talk about different worlds, not realizing their audience is trying to fit that in with their rather different world. Misunderstanding happens, and most people don’t even realize that.”


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